I spent most of 2022 at NPR. When the layoffs came for me, I landed at KCBS Radio. That was January 2023 and I’ve been running ever since. That’s why this site desperately needs an update.
- Omicron in Sewage*: text for KQED and audio for NPR 12/9/21
- Omicron Testing Crunch*: text and audio for NPR 1/10/22
- Rooftop Solar Battle: audio for NPR 2/18/22 and text for KQED
- California’s Compost Law: NPR audio Part 1 2/7/22, NPR audio Part 2* 3/14/22 and text for KQED
- Wildfire Thunderclouds: text for KQED 8/5/21
- Mistletoe: a holiday-themed 2-way for botany nerds 12/23/21
Live and breaking news:
- Caldor Fire: Firefighter Fatigue*, feature for KQED and NPR 9/2/21
- South Lake Tahoe Fire: Mexican Firefighters*, feature for The California Report and NPR 9/5/21
- Lightning Fires: Calistoga-Live, Grist Mill*, Pope Valley*, Helen of Vacaville*, Forum-Live 10/4-6/20
- Kincaid Fire: Malfunction Live 2-way, Newscasts 10/24-30/19
- Shootings: live audio, video and text
- Supervised Injection Sites, reporter Q&A 8/29/18
- Fertility Preservation, feature
- COVID-Hospital Chaplain, produced host 2-way 4/11/20 (I found Sr. Donna and produced this interview for California Report host Saul Gonzalez.)
- COVID-Lockdown, reporter Q&A (We knew so little in the very beginning… My first story about Covid.)
- Brain Stem Implants, video
- Military Zeppelin*, video and text
- DARPA Robots, video and text
- Rolling Blackouts, hosted 2-way 8/15/20 (I was solo on a Saturday morning so I had to book, edit, produce, and engineer this 2-way on my own. I booked Wara for 6:15am, recorded with Tape-a-Call, synced it myself, and cut it in time to air at 7:30am.)
- COVID-Business Insurance, 2-way
- Student Debt-Generations, video
- Dry Town, video
Innovative storytelling/production:
- Port Chicago 50, social video*
- Afghan Rodeo, social video*
- All the videos I produced at Timeline.com
- Diego Rivera Mural Moves, 8/25/21
- Kent Porter photographs climate change, host 2way, 7/2/21
- Nematodes, feature* (because science)
- Endangered Mural, feature*
- Water Sommelier, video
- Berkeley Rep Podcast, 2-way as local anchor
* = Original story idea

RMD kisses a test model of the Curiosity Mars rover at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., in 2011. Photo by Nick Ut of the Associated Press